Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
As I was walking on our prayer walk and talking to the Lord, the spirit of the Lord was imparting to me. My body began to feel tired but my spirit was willing (the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. Matt 26:41b) He brought to mind the song we sing at church "You are Lord of a breakthrough" and He began to reveal what a breakthrough actually is. When do we get a breakthrough? After we have pushed through past the barrier into uncharted territory
So often in life, as on the walk, you feel like giving up because you become tired, and the enemy will give you a million excuses why you can just give up, BUT we will not experience a breakthrough until we push forward.
There was a woman in the bible who had a problem with her body for many years, (Mark 5) and when she saw Jesus she resolved in herself that she needed to reach Him. She had a number of things against her, she was not supposed to be there. She was not supposed to come close to people because of her condition. She had spent all her money on trying to cure herself but found no relief.
If she allowed these thoughts and her circumstance to consume her, she would not have moved, but she saw an opportunity to breakthrough into a place she believed existed in Christ but had not seen in the natural. She pushed past the crowd and got her breakthrough! The bible says she touched the hem of his garment. I believe the reason she touched his hem was because she was on her hands and knees, she was probably stepped on and kicked and cursed at, but she had her eyes on the prize and she did not let anything distract her from her goal!
I like what the dictionary gives as a definition of a breakthrough: a military movement or advance all the way through and beyond an enemy's front-line defence.
And this is the impression God pressed into me, we have to push through the enemy's defence, even when there is pain or the feeling of complacency. We must not allow our feelings to circumvent our victory. If you need a breakthrough you need to push past the obstacles. Another definition is
an act or instance of removing or surpassing an obstruction or restriction; the overcoming of a stalemate
The walls of Jericho was an obstacle that the children of Israel could not go through, They needed a breakthrough to get into Jericho. In the natural there was no way to get into Jericho. God said continue to walk around.. The first six days nothing happened. No cracks in the wall appeared, no stones crumbled. There was nothing that they could see in the natural that was changed. Their enemy probably mocked them as they walked around the walls and called them names. Then on the seventh day, after the seventh round there was an advancement all the way past the enemy's defences. The original text in Aramic does not just say the wall fell down but it literally sank into the ground! That was a mighty breakthrough!
What had happened? The enemies position was moved back and he lost territory! We see the power of what was already done in the spirit manifest in the natural. It took some effort. It took some faith, it took some pain, but had they stopped on the sixth day because they did not see anything happen in the natural, they would have not experienced what they did.
That is why on my the seventh time around my territory God said don’t pray but Praise! I began to praise God and give him thanks for the victory! And in the spirit He allowed me to see the neighbourhood from above. Around the blocks where we walked I saw trails of light, like a jet leaves in the sky. Light trails that went around the blocks we had walked. Where his children walked they left a trail of light!
In the word in Isa 9:2 The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined.
John 1:5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
His light is shining through us, and we beginning to push the enemy back. In our community, our neighbourhoods, our streets and highways, the victory will come forth, but we need to push through, past the enemies defences and take his territory.. But we must push till we see the walls of the enemy come down before us!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
He said “Say you need $500 dollars urgently and a friend heard about this and called you and said “I will give you the money, you don’t need to pay it back, just take it, it’s a gift from me to you.”
We would be very happy, perhaps shout “Praise the Lord!” and rejoice that your needs were met. You have not received the money yet and between now and the time you actually get the money anything can happen. Yet you rest peaceful secure in the knowledge that you have the answer to your worries.
But When the same situation would arise and we hear a word from God say for example Phil 4:19 But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
It’s a same promise but even more for he will not fail us. We have to meditate and sometime we say “hmmmmmm that is true. We need to believe God” There is no excitement. We don’t jump up and cry “Praise God! Or Hallelujah” I can rest secure in the knowledge that He will take care of it.
We worry, we stress we try to conceive some way to solve our problems!”
Why? Is God’s promise not good enough for us? Something we cant get excited about? His promises not as sure as a friend? His provision inadequate?
There is so many promises in His word. For healing, for provision, for health, for prosperity, for life!
Why don’t we jump up and get excited about His promises! Sing about them declare them with a voice of triumph!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
More building
Thursday, September 10, 2009
How great is our God?
David tries to, but succumbs with words that say “Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, it is high, I cannot attain to it. (Psalm 139:6) When I try to imagine the immenseness of God my mind runs out of space and as much as I can imagine, there is more. But yet He desires that we know him!
Paul hearts cries out with hunger “That I may know him” (Phil 3:10) David’s soul sings “As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God.” (Psalm 42:1)
God does not just want us to know Him with head knowledge but with our whole being, to know him in a multi- dimensional level. To know him is to love him. For “ thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength”
Let all of me diminish like John said and let Christ be filled up. Let there be more of Him and less of me. Let my will be consumed with His
Let us, as the Psalmist says “My soul followeth hard after thee”
But not just follow, but be consumed by Him
Friday, September 4, 2009
Declaring Victory
When God created man, He did not create the 7 billion people we have on earth now. He created one, but in that one, He created potential. He created the trees and placed in each plant a seed with the potential for great forests. The seed is the potential. The multiplication comes when potential is brought into reality.
The English dictionary defines POTENTIAL: as capable of being or becoming, Capable of being, but not yet in existence; latent, Having possibility, capability, or power
This is so amazing. It means there is more in me than I presently see, There is a capacity for greater and more, but it has to be brought to fruition.
Faith works the same way. God gives us a measure of faith and the potential for it to move mountains is there already. We need to manifest it, to multiply it.
This relates to all areas of our life. God wants us to have the best of everything and the process is not instant gratification, but learned maturation.
Let us use a real example.
Say I am not experiencing the fullness of God’s power in a certain area, lets say sickness as this is a common thing we all go through.
There are a few substantial things we should now.
1. God has already given us a word of healing.
2. He will bring it to pass, based on our acceptance of it.
3. We must birth it.
So the word of healing in my life has the ability to multiply my faith, as well as ignite my spirit. If I BELIEVE the word, I must have the faith that God will heal.
When I have faith, I need to speak and declare it. Faith is not just belief alone. FAITH needs to be activated by speaking and continuing to do so until the reality of the Word, in the spirit is manifested in the flesh. So in a way it is spiritual multiplication of a seed into the manifestation of the forest in our lives.
See, the healing was always there, it was never in doubt. What has always been the problem is the transference of that reality from the spirit realm to the natural realm. Faith opens the door to this realm. And belief is the bridge that the seed crosses to become the reality in the natural. Most times this bridge is not built by us, we give up too quickly because it does not happen as fast as we want, or our belief cannot accept the reality of the spirit
Why was Jesus so powerful in his ministry? Simple, the word tells us that : Then Jesus answered and said to them, "Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner. "(John 5:19, NKJV)
Jesus when He walked on this earth was so in tune with the spirit that He saw every completed work accomplished in the spirit realm.
He says I cannot do anything by myself. Meaning I don’t initiate any action out of my own will..(will deal with this though later)
But when I see the Father do something in the spirit I know it has already been accomplished in the spirit realm and established as a promise for the natural. It is completed in the Spirit. Then all I do is open this door of faith (Faith can only begin when the will of God is known), build a bridge of belief, and allow this that is already done in the spirit to manifest in this reality by declaring it into this reality. It has to cross the bridge of belief and then arrive in this natural realm. Words are so powerful. They are the vessels of deliverance for good or evil , they are the carriers of power for in them exist the power of life and death. We can manifest from the spiritual realm with them and we can abort the birthing of the promise just as easily by what we declare.
Here Jesus reveals the truth of victory in manifesting the will of God in our lives. (there is so much more here, but we will pause for now)
We must know what the will of God is in every situation, through knowing the Word and being in tune with the spirit. We then declare this truth over our present condition and continue until it aligns with the spiritual realm.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

(Bro John and Silvio working hard)

(rain did not stop them! conference time)

(ooops! Sammy pointing out a mistake!)

(more conference time..hmmmm)
We will get it fixed soon. Hopefully ready for F3N! Pastor Sabo and all the men who came did a great job. I am not mechanically inclined so I was just "the go for" and I went for the
Thank you to all the men who came out!