Thursday, July 24, 2014

New Transform Church Creative Worship Team Video

The Praise team at Transform Church is amazing, I'm so proud as their pastor to see their commitment, desire and love for the Lord! They are so dedicated to bringing great worship and music to the church and to the world. They push themselves and for a young group of people they do so many great things it hard to put into words. If you are in Melbourne come check them out!

Here is a new youtube clip of a song they did a few months ago:

Transform Church - Healer Video

Also check out our web page for more info, the team is currently looking for new singers and musicians
Transform Church

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Acoustic recording - oceans

Our talented team of Praise and Worship people work tirelessly every week to bring us awesome worship each Sunday. Even more than that they seek the presence of God above the applause of people. I'm overjoyed to have such talented people at Transform Church under the direction of an amazing young man, our Worship Director: Patrick Sabo.

Here is a beautiful video he put together with Thom Baccay singing 

Be blessed listening, I certainly was!

Click on link:

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

All for Truth

In our Modern society truth seems to be something of a blurred interpretation. It is not absolute. Yet that is far from the truth. 

Multiculturalism has brought death to truth and raised up a diseased ridded corpse that is fed by each individual's perception of truth. We are more worried about offending someone that speaking the truth.

I admire Jesus, He always spoke the truth, even when it was hard. See truth does not seek approval, or the majority vote or popular opinion. Truth is truth wether you believe it or not. Your belief or disbelief does not change the truth. In fact I would go as far as saying that Truth spoken in love strengthens society and brings a cohesiveness that 'not offending' cannot bring. 

Truth cleans us makes us pure. We must always speak the truth of the word of God. 

Jesus said "Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth. " (John 17:17 NKJV)

Pilate like most of the people in our world asked the question: "What is truth?"  John 18:38

What is truth indeed? Is it subjective? Is it grey? Can it be compromised for culture, religion, people, things?
No it can't! 

Jesus said if you know the truth it will set you free! Free in the sense you live a life free of compromise and regret!

What is truth?

God's word is truth and it's the standard we should live by. 


Wednesday, May 28, 2014

New Starts

Sometimes life does not give us a good start. We can come from various circumstances, but that can change. You don't have to stay that way. You can finish well. You may have had a bad start in life. You may have messed up along the way. You may have made mistakes. You may have regrets. But you can finish well and that is what matters most. Jesus can change your life! Did you get your new start yet?  If not please contact Jesus! 

#Godwalk # TransformChurch #God 

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Youth Leadership Conference in Philippines

Recently we had the honor to speak to a Joshua generation of youth who are growing up in the faith. We had a awesome time in Cavite, Manila as God did a great work. We had over 150 young people from various churches attend and their love, passion and zeal for God was an inspiration. We were so blessed by the pastors and youth. We had a enriching time of fellowship and encouragement. Looking forward to seeing all of them again soon! 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Transform Church

This past Sunday we changed the name of our church. We are now TRANSFORM CHURCH.  We believe it's a God inspired name for our next level. He impressed this on me as I was in prayer. It's from Rom 12:1 -2 and the logo is inspired by this scripture and the work and power of Jesus Christ to make us Priests and Kings - Rev 1:6. 

We are excited as a church for what God is doing in our midst. We are Stepping Into Destiny 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Matthew Five:Fifteen
It's time to take the lamp shades  off! A lamp shade is there to soften the light, to prevent the light from shining, to stop light from shining to brightly. We put them on from time to time, we don't want others to see the light shine so bright, or maybe the light might expose their  deeds. 

Whatever the case we walk around with guarded light. It's time strip them off, to shine bright, to revel  in the glow of the light! To be light dancers. Streaks of glorious, radiant light fill the skies with beacons of hope, fire exploding in darkness, light the starry sky ablaze with the glory of the King!

Darkness falls before the declarers of light! You, rays of hope, fill the world with your light. Celebrate the light, don't hide in the darkness!
Come all ye people of the God of light, shine His light! 

Be a light dancer! Throw down your lamp shade in triumph!