Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Matthew Five:Fifteen
It's time to take the lamp shades  off! A lamp shade is there to soften the light, to prevent the light from shining, to stop light from shining to brightly. We put them on from time to time, we don't want others to see the light shine so bright, or maybe the light might expose their  deeds. 

Whatever the case we walk around with guarded light. It's time strip them off, to shine bright, to revel  in the glow of the light! To be light dancers. Streaks of glorious, radiant light fill the skies with beacons of hope, fire exploding in darkness, light the starry sky ablaze with the glory of the King!

Darkness falls before the declarers of light! You, rays of hope, fill the world with your light. Celebrate the light, don't hide in the darkness!
Come all ye people of the God of light, shine His light! 

Be a light dancer! Throw down your lamp shade in triumph!