Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Stop! Listen.

“So it was, as the multitude pressed about Him to hear the word of God, that He stood by the Lake of Gennesaret,”
Luke 5:1 NKJV

The people were so eager to hear the word that they pressed up to Him
So much that Jesus was in the sea, waves lapping at his ankles,  any more and He would have to swim. Good thing Peter's boat was nearby. A handy spot to speak so all could see and hear.

How eager were these people to hear what Jesus had to say? I mean they were not just merely interested they were enthusiastic about hearing Him. They stopped what they were doing in their busy days and turned their full attention to Jesus. They knew that He was saying something important.

They made a choice to do it. There could have been others around that continued along their way just doing their work. Passing by looking at the crowd but not stopping to hear. Do you think they would have received something to help their life? Perhaps they might have thought: if I deliver these goods I will get paid and thus provide food for myself. That will help, listening to some stranger, not so much.

The reality is that those who ceased from activity heard the word of life, to help their entire life. Others did not. Money cannot buy happiness, neither can anything else but Jesus.

We must, like those who chose to stop and listen, make choices in our days to stop and read the word, listen to the word and pray the word.

I know He will speak to you. Give it a try.

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