Monday, November 30, 2009

Thought for today

Its not what you say to God that can keep you seperated from Him, but what you DO NOT say!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Faith Works!

I am trying my faith, more accurately, I am exercising it! I am believing God for something, and like all of us, I have a hope that it will come to pass. However, I am not waiting to see if it will come to pass before I move. I have already moved to expect the result, preparing for it to come to pass. Let me illustrate it like this: I once heard a story that accurately conveys what I am trying to say.

"There were two farmers who prayed for rain in a drought stricken land. The first farmer would get up early and look to the skies to see if there was any sign of rain. The second got up early and ploughed his fields and planted his seed, and prepared it for the rain that he was expecting."

This is what I'm saying I have believed God and I'm starting to plough my field, because I know the rain is coming. This is faith in action. Faith works itself out in my life by the way I act/respond towards it! If I have faith I will act on it based on the sure promise of God. If I don't, ... well, I will wait and see. "If," "maybe", or "let me see" are not words in the book of faith. Faith acts when there is no cloud in the sky that even remotely hints at a sign of rain.

Here is the principle:
You cannot prepare your field when the rain comes, it will be too late then! If you are trusting the Lord for something in your life. Prepare your field now! Don't wait to see it before you move. Move NOW! Prepare, gird up your loins and great ready for the windows of heaven to open and your rain to fall!

Are you waiting like the first farmer to see the rain and then move or are you like the wise farmer who acted on his faith and prepared himself for what God was going to pour into his life

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I heard a statistic recently (not sure where) that stated that more than 50 % of Christians don’t believe in absolute truth. To me that was a bit shocking. Why?
Because it seems that the very word “Christian” means follower of Christ. And if I am a follower of Christ then I must at least believe in what he stands for, His values and ideologies. In His own words He says: "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." (John 14:6)

Now if I profess that I am a Christian, how do I justify that fact that Jesus declares He is truth, yet I am not certain of this. Are they believers of Christ?

The underlying problem stems from the fact most people who profess they are Christians don’t know Christ!. They know OF Him, who He was as a historical figure, but not on a personal level. For if they did and they stood for what He stood, Truth is not shades of grey but a foundation established in Christ Jesus. The world looks at Christians as weak and ineffective. Can you blame them? We don’t even believe in what the we preach!

Sadly it’s the Christians who need to know God before we take on causes and think we are doing God’s work! Before we try to speak for Christ, let us find out what He ACTUALLY says about things, and not what we think we should say, or believe or even what we were taught. What does Christ say about the issues? Do we know? Or is our culture and lifestyle, our own personal wants and needs packaged under the guise of a Christian voice?

For one, Christ, or his disciples or apostles never referred to themselves as “Christians”. Look in the bible for yourself if you don’t believe me. But we are called
Ambassadors and saints. (Pagans at Antioch called us Christians; Acts 11:26)

An Ambassador never has his own agenda, or his own voice, or opinion. He is responsible for communicating his countries ideas, standards, laws and values to others. When he performs his position according to his duty, he becomes a voice for his country. A voice of a nation that is not present to a people who want to know who he represents.

When they asked John the Baptist who he was, his response was “I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness…”(John 1:23) Perhaps instead of trying to voice our opinions and our ideas on how things should or should not be. Maybe we can be ambassadors, expressing or giving voice to what our we are called to be: A voice, speaking the values of our kingdom, and our King.

We do have a kingdom, a heavenly kingdom and our King is Jesus Christ!
Let us represent him in this earth! Let us represent truth in its entirety

What is truth?
John 17:17 ...thy word is truth!