Friday, October 2, 2009

Fish Tanks!

The Lord reminded me of something that had happened years ago when I was a little child. A lesson He wanted to show me. I was talking to Him about how sometimes situations in life are hard to go through and there are some points when it seems especially hard. He impressed upon me an image and an explanation:

When I was about ten we used to have a fish tank, where we had a number of beautiful fish. I remember sitting numerous times and watching the fish. It was very relaxing and mesmerising. The flash of silver and gold scales as light flashed of them. The jet black of others with streaming colourful tails that seemed to fly, like a flag in a strong wind. I really enjoyed our fish. From time to time, however the tank would need cleaning and the water needed to be changed and the stones washed, glass cleaned, the regular things you do when you need to clean a fish tank.

I remember helping my father or mother do this. We had a bucket of clean water which we would transfer the fish into and then clean the tank, fill it with fresh clean water and put the fish back. We had a little green fishnet that we would catch the fish with. I was fun for me to try to catch them as the dashed around the tank.

It was to this time the Lord took me back. I saw how we caught the fish, and the fish struggled to escape. When I caught one and lifted it out of the tank to transfer it to the bucket, the little fish would jump and trash about violently. I would carefully scoop them up, putting my hand over the fishnet to protect them from accidentally falling on the floor and put them in the bucket. When they were in the bucket they would calm down and a few minutes later they were back to normal. Then we would go through the whole process again of getting them back in the clean tank once it was ready.

The Lord showed me something. He said: the little fish are comfortable in their tank. Even when it gets dirty and mucky they are quite complacent. Sometimes our life is like that, it gets filled with stuff, messy stuff, that clogs us with unnecessary dirt. We stay in the muck because it’s what we know and it’s comfortable. The fish don’t know in that moment you have a plan for them to take them from their current murky water to a place that is clean and fresh. They react with alarm and fear. It is a confusing time for them. The most painful time for them is when they are out of their environment; they are no longer in the water. It‘s something new and scary. It’s unfamiliar territory!

You are just moving them from one place to another, but to them it feels like you are about to kill them. Your perspective is different from theirs. Your plan is to protect them, take care of them and give them something better. At that moment they don’t see that. They are in such fear and dread because they think they are going to die. Yet they are safe in your hands and your aim is to move them from a place that is not good to a place that is better.

The word says: For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jer 29:11 NIV)

The problem is the transition, you think you are being destroyed or you feel like its just to hard, you can't breathe, but I am just moving you from your current environment to a better one.

The little fish struggle and fight but yet you have a great purpose for them. Life is like that when God moves us from one environment that is polluted to a new place (He brought me forth also into a large place; he delivered me, because he delighted in me. Psalm 18:19)

The fish like the new water, and the clean tank but they don’t like the transition. Its uncomfortable and painful, but in the move is a greater purpose. We struggle and fight and think we are about to die, but we are safe in the Masters hands and though it might hurt for a bit, He always has the best in mind for us. It’s the transitions that hurt the most because everything familiar is gone. But it’s only a sign of greater things to come. If in the transitions our perspective is one of expectancy of greater things to come and not the current pain we are in

It’s wonderful to know that God has a great future for us and it starts now!

1 comment:

Brimbank Community Church said...

This is awesome Ps Gregory! My favorite life time verse is Jer.29:11. God is in control of our life. All we need to do is surrender, obey, worship and give Him all the glory. Trials, transitions and transformations are not easy, but trust in Him, and we'll be alright. I can't imagine life without God. How great and awesome is our God!