Monday, November 15, 2010

A trip to Moe

Well Its been a little while since my last updated my blog. I have been engrossed in numerous things that have kept my attention. However this past weekend I had the opportunity to preach in a little county two called Moe! (pronounced mo we)

My wife and I had a great time of fellowship with the pastor and the saints. I preached out of the text from Jer 29:11.

Did you know that the Lord has great plans for you? He says in Jeremiah that He is thinking about you! Planing good things for you, He says he makes plan to prosper you! He makes plan for your good not of evil. Our God is a good and He is always making ways to bless you. He is constantly thinking about you! He says you are the apple of His eye. His love is not like human love, but its Agape love. The unconditional love of God. In spite of failures and mistake, His love for you wont change!

This is something that you can be glad about. Others may think negative or bad about you, but God is thinking good about you!

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